Ranch News
Here’s what’s happening in our herd!
Brett & his Balancers featured in an Easter Worship Video
Brett was recently cast as the rural rep to be in a worship video for Hillsong Kansas City’s Easter Sunday service.
Glorify God by doing well whatever you are called to do. Cattle management is our calling. So thankful we can honor the Lord in how we go about doing it. Worship with us by viewing the video below.

B/F Beef
The Fosters are now offering to you the same high quality, ranch raised beef they grow for their own family. The same “No Bull” philosophy Brett Foster employs in his cattle herd in order to be efficient and sustainable is at work still. It’s a matter of tried and true management that ensures best practices all the way from breeding to grazing, then finishing for a delicious product for your plate.
“We are 100% committed to producing the healthiest, tastiest, safest and most sustainable product possible for your family to enjoy.” — Brett Foster, Owner of B/F Cattle Co.
Now follow B/F Beef on its own Facebook page. Your FUN PLACE for Great Recipes, Fan-Only Discounts, Coupons, Behind the Scenes Farm Funnies and Flavorful Beef Facts.
Don’t just take our word for it. Hear what the McCormacks, beef producers just like you, think of B/F Beef and why they would recommend it…even to the president!
2023 Marks Final Live Auction

Our final live auction for registered Balancer® Bulls concluded a bit emotionally. We have worked tirelessly to develop the kind of genetics that thrive in Fescue country. Dozens of loyal customers over the years have realized the benefits of those hard-won battles for better genetics. It has been a pleasure to see our customers succeed. Though we have decided to no longer sell registered bulls at live auctions, we will from time to time be offering commercial Balancer bulls private treaty. Be sure you get on our emailing list and stay connected so you can be the first to know when those are available. Thank you for your tremendous trust and support of B/F Cattle Co. We value your friendship immensely!
Thanks to all who joined us on sale day!
Fall 2022 in the Books
We sold bulls that were some of the thickest, stoutest, most balanced bulls to date at B/F Cattle Co. We were proud of our offering and thankful for the customers that are going to see tremendous benefits in their herds for years to come.
Thanks to all who joined us on sale day!

Spring 2022 Mud & Sun
A “little” mud and wind were tempered by bright sunny skies on Spring 2022 Sale Day. Thanks to all who came out and supported our efforts. Though our bulls weren’t spic-n-span clean, customers were still able to appreciate their impressive growth, conformation and disposition during inspection and find the right kind to be fescue fit for their programs.

Fall 2021 Active Bidding
Our highly anticipated fall event came and went about as fast as the bidding on sale day! Fewer lots made for great competition on several lots. The quality ran deep in the fall lineup and our customers had to work a bit to get their top draft pick.
Thanks so much to all of who came out and went home satisfied.

Spring 2021 – Big Turnout

Two sales in a row with beautiful weather! We were thrilled! And this day turned out a huge crowd and fierce bidding on lots from first to final!
Once you get them turned out on your cows, we’d love to see some pictures!
Thanks so much to all of our customers!
Fall 2020 Sale a Great Success
What a perfect day for a fall sale! GORGEOUS WEATHER (no snow, rain, mud, or freezing temps for the first time in quite a few rounds). GREAT TURNOUT with a full tent and lots of first-timers. ALL GONE! Every bull sold with 72% going to repeat buyers and our average at $4185.
And now we set our sites on Spring 2021, when we do it again.
Thank you to all of our family, friends, and marketing team for working so hard to help us succeed. And to all of our loyal customers and new fans, we are blessed to be in the cattle business and take great pride in designing genetics that are fit with you in mind.

Crescent G Ranch Sings B/F Praises
Mitch and Leslie Grace have a set of 8-year-old B/F Balancer bulls at work on the Crescent G Ranch, Edwards, Mo. While sharing with her readers about the importance of doing breeding soundness exams before turning bulls out with the herd, Leslie highlighted the fertile and functional B/F genetics on her popular blog “The Adventures of a Gate Girl” in a post titled “Just a lot of Bull” on May 19, 2020.
“Four bulls are going in with 105 cows. They were all purchased as 18 month old bulls from B/F Cattle Company in 2014, so this will be their 7th season. Still have good feet, good body condition, and good test scores. Feet are a big problem with bulls. Fescue, rocky hills and their weight all take a toll, but these four are still good.”
The first BF Bulls we purchased are now 8 years old. They have sired over 840 calves. We have kept well over 100 females out of those 4 bulls. Calves have plenty of growth and daughters are fertile and easay fleshing. The bulls themselves have never had a bad foot, or sny other problems whatsoever. Mitch points out that, “using bulls as hard as we do and getting 7 or more years out of them is nearly unheard of. No less that all four are still going strong.”

Read more of Leslie Grace’s blogs at Adventures of a Gate Girl.

We’re Movin’ On Up

B/F Females #1 in Missouri and Fescue Country
It’s 2021, and we’re STILL TOTIN’ the crown as Missouri’s #1 Breeder for Dam of Merit & Dam of Distinction cows in the Gelbvieh and Balancer® breeds and staying in top 10 in the nation! The latest tally clearly and easily positions B/F Cattle Company as the hands-down female breeder in Fescue country.
Every fall, the American Gelbvieh Association honors the females in the herdbook that exhibit consistent maternal efficiency through the Dam of Merit and Dam of Distinction program. The American Gelbvieh Association credits its members who continue to place selection emphasis on the maternal traits of the breed by being owners or breeders of these outstanding Gelbvieh and Balancer® females.
The Dam of Merit honors cows that have produced at least three calves with all weaning information reported to the American Gelbvieh Association. A Dam of Distinction meets the same requirements but must have produced 8 calves or more.
Learn more about the criteria used to determine Dams of Merit and Dams of Distinction.

B/F Bulls Hit Top 40 List
B/F Cattle Co. Bulls have risen to the top of the breed, taking two of the 2019 Top 40 Trait Leaders spots.
B/F Total Package B842 easily commands the honor, ranking top 1% for CED and BW, while in the top 2% for CEM and DOC. He also sits top 3% for MK and top 10% for TM and FPI.
341A Derringer 404B touts impressive CED and BW stats, in the top 2% and 4% respectively. He’s top 3% for MK, top 5% for ST, top 10% for YG, REA and $Cow and top 15% for CEM and DOC.
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