B/F Bull
Herd Sires Born for Fescue Country!
B/F All IN B9720
REG# 1280042
At 3 1/2 years old, he measured a 5 frame. He sires moderate birth weight, extremely good weaning and yearling weights. He is extremely easy fleshing as his daughters also seem to be. He has good carcass to top it all off. First 21 calves to go to packing plant by him went 86% choice, 23% YG1, 62% YG2, 14% YG3 and 0% YG4. 17 Steers – avg. live wt = 1445 / CW 924. 4 Heifers – avg. live wt = 1240 / CW 826. Pretty good carcass results for a 5-frame, female maker!
Sire to Top Selling Bull in our Fall 2018 Event – B/F Tender 10 E24
B/F Tender-10 E24
REG# 1391669
This son of B/F All In 9720 was Lot #1 and High Selling Bull of our 2018 Fall Maternal Integrity Bull Sale. B/F Cattle Company has retained semen interest on this all-around stud. He is slick haired, has tons of muscle, guts and nuts and is super docile. Take note of his Tenderness score and the inspiration for his name. It is a rare and impressive achievement to score a 10! He has everything going for him including the fact that he is out of a flawless four year old cow with great structure, attitude and udder, whose first two calves averaged weaning ratios of 106.
Learn how B/F Cattle Co. develops bulls to not fall apart so they can go the distance in your herd.
“No Bull” we’re in the beef business from start to finish to help our customers savor success!
B/F Mr. Joy C1159
REG# 1360455
46% Gelbvieh 42% Angus
Igenity score: Tenderness-7
Homo Black/ Homo Polled
B/F Mr. Joy C1159 is out of an outstanding cow that has a perfect udder, attitude and structure. Both dam and son are super easy fleshing and slick haired. The first Mr. Joy calves are very stylish and bull calves are muscular. We are expecting great things out of his progeny. He is top 20% for WW and marbling and top 15% for both YW and stayability. We have never seen a more docile individual than this stud.

Sons of MR JOY Make Debut April 4
First offerings of MR JOY sons sold at our Apr. 4, 2020 Sale!
MR Silver A366
REG# 1276350
67% Gelbvieh 33% Angus
Igenity score: Tenderness-7
Homo Black/ Homo Polled
He is adding extra length and muscling. And ranks in top 15% on EPD for Yield Grade. We will have daughters in production in the fall of 2017. Daughters’ yearling pelvic area measurements average 191 cm.
Commercial Bulls Available Private Treaty
Check Availability458W1 ET
REG# 1136689
3/8 Gelbvieh 5/8 Angus
Igenity score: Tenderness-4
Homo Black/ Homo Polled
This moderate framed beef machine adds tons of growth and carcass merit. Daughters are easy fleshing and about the perfect size for fescue country. They average 190.4 for pelvic area. He is out of one of the most awesome cows in the Gelbvieh breed! We sent some steers from our 2012 calf crop to Tri County Steer Feed Out. His steers went on to be in the top 4% for feed lot profitability which is comparing them to multiple breeds and countless A.I. Sires. This proves that you don’t need large framed cattle to be profitable in the feedlot.
REG# 1191926
Consistently sires low birth weight, moderate framed, stylish, thick calves with adequate growth. Daughters are some nice, easy fleshing mommas that average 192 on yearling pelvic measurements.He had 19 calves in a recent feedlot closeout, grading 82% Choice, 17% YG1, 70% YG2, 13% YG3 and 0% YG4. The steers live weight averaged 1445 and heifers 1240.
REG# 1301153
52% Gelbvieh 48% Angus
Igenity score: Tenderness-1
Homo Black/ Homo Polled
Total Package is the most calving ease bull B/F Cattle Company has used to date. We have calved 92 registered heifers and approximately 30 commercial heifers that were bred to him and have not even had to consider assisting ANY of them! His daughters are very stylish with super udders and are averaging pelvic areas of 179. Total Package has been used in multiple breeding seasons in which he covered over 40 head in a 60-day window.
REG# 1336118
This polled Balancer son of B/F Y4581 carries on the family tradition of style without forfeiting muscle. There’s good reason for why we call him Mr. Easy Keeper. Like his donor dam mother, he’s easy fleshing, high performing and docile.
Ready to put a B/F Bull to work for you?
“No Bull” we’re in the beef business from start to finish to help our customers savor success!
MR 426B
REG# 1289327
REG# 1221953
B/F Hindsight is out of an amazing cow family. His dam and grand dam are both pretty close to flawless. His calves are looking very impressive but will be limited in number. For he got crippled in a bull fight.
REG# 1222289
B/F Meat Packer Z65ET is a Highlight son out of a very hardy Landmark daughter that always does her job. He is 88% Gelbvieh. His calves are moderate framed with ample growth. They have good muscle shape and are slick haired. Sires some great calves that excel to yearling time then seem to moderate, which I think is what we need to make females for this part of the country. Daughters are the slickest haired, most stylish females we have ever produced. Pelvic measurements average 190.2. I have some ET sisters to Meat Packer and they all have picture perfect udders, as does his mother.
REG# 1203822
This is a bull that Jeff Cleland of Cleland Cattle Co. raised. He is out of an outstanding cow that seems to excel on fescue. His dam and granddam both have picture perfect udders. This bull and his calves are moderately framed, exceptionally thick, easy keeping, beef machines. I have used him on two groups of heifers and have not touched a calf. He seems to shorten gestation length by about a week. Z204 has given both Jeff and me some awesome, easy fleshing daughters that are raising great calves. He is 88% Gelbvieh.